Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Something to Celebrate!

I guess it is because Mother's Day was this weekend...I am not sure, BUT, for some reason my sons are on my mind more than usual this week. Since I wrote the piece about my son, Chad, I have been inspired to write a little bit about my other three sons over the next few days.
Because we really have something to celebrate with our youngest son, Todd, today it's his turn. When I called to tell him what I was doing, he said, "That's okay, Mom, but PLEASE no stories about embarrassing things I did when I was little." LOL.
"I'm saving that for my book," I told him joking. I promised him I wouldn't tell kid stories, so I will keep that promise. I could, however, write a book about each one of my sons as I suppose any Mom could do but I will save them the embarrassment and just get 'em in my blogs some.

Todd is a very hard worker. He was always the kid who wanted to win the prize, get the A etc. When he was a Sophomore in highschool he took a class which was an introduction to Law. At the end of the class, they staged a trial in which he was given the task of being one of the trial lawyers. The teacher gave the students a situation and they had to treat it as though they were real lawyers trying a real case...they had to take the facts, develop a case and try it. As I sat watching him, I realized that he was really really good at it. After the class, he decided he wanted to persue becoming a lawyer. Following under grad school he was accepted in law school and worked very hard through a lot of difficult circumstances. Earlier this month he found out that he passed his Bar exam and last Monday was sworn in. He is now a working lawyer. YEAH! Way to go, Todd. Congratulations!

I mentioned before that each of my sons taught me a life lesson. Todd taught me to forgive. He is the most forgiving person I have ever known and teaches by example. And, every year on my birthday he takes me to a UT football game and we have a ball!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

awww, we all love us some Todd...and wooo-hooo!! Congrats little buddy!!!